BlogTechnology5 Steps to become a Data analyst with no experience in Nigeria

5 Steps to become a Data analyst with no experience in Nigeria

How to become a data analyst with no experience in Nigeria

Wondering how to become a data analyst with no experience in Nigeria?

With the rapid growth of technology and the explosion of data in various fields, the role of data analysts is becoming more crucial for businesses and organizations according to CIO.

To become a data analyst with no experience or degree in Nigeria, start by learning data analysis skills from a tech school like Sabi Programmers, online courses, and live-online tutorial classes, then proceed to practice with real-world data, build a portfolio of projects, and network to find entry-level opportunities.

Note, at Sabiprogrammers training centre, you can start learning all you need to know to become a professional Data Analyst within 2 months of training online or at our physical hub, you can check out our course here

In this post, we will explore the steps to become a data analyst with no experience in Nigeria, including what is data analysis, salary range in Nigeria, why people should learn it now, knowledge needed, how to learn it and more.

Gain the information you need for a career as a data analyst by following these steps.

Is Data Analyst an IT Job?

Data analyst is a job that is closely related to IT. Data analysts work with various software tools and technologies to analyze and interpret data.

They also work closely with IT professionals to ensure that the data is stored, processed, and analyzed effectively.

However, data analysis is not limited to the IT industry, and data analysts can work in various industries, including finance, healthcare, marketing, and more.

What is Data Analysis?

Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of examining and interpreting data to extract meaningful insights and identify patterns and trends. The purpose of data analysis is to help organizations make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

Data analysts work with various types of data, such as customer data, financial data, operational data, and other data sources to provide insights that help organizations improve their business operations, products, or services.

According to Jobzilla, the average salary for a data analyst in Nigeria is around N25,000 per month. However, the salary range can go up to N150,000 per month for experienced data analysts working in large organizations or multinationals.

The salary range for data analysts in Nigeria varies depending on the level of experience and the organization they work for.

Why You Should Learn Data Analysis Now?

Data analysis is becoming increasingly important in today’s world, as more and more organizations are realizing the value of data-driven decision making.

By learning data analysis, you can position yourself for a rewarding career in a field that is in high demand. Data analysis skills are transferable to various industries, such as finance, healthcare, marketing, and more.

As the world becomes more data-driven, learning data analysis will become more important, and those with these skills will be in high demand.

Skills & Qualifications you Need to be a Data Analyst

To become a data analyst, you don’t need to have a strong foundation in statistics, mathematics, and computer programming. You only need to learn & be proficient in statistical analysis, data visualization, and data manipulation.

You should also be familiar with various software tools used for data analysis, such as Microsoft Excel, SQL, Python, R, and Tableau. Additionally, you should have excellent problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, as well as the ability to communicate complex data analysis in a clear and concise manner.

At, we offer an online data analysis course designed for beginners with no prior experience in data analysis.

The course covers the foundational knowledge and skills needed to become a data analyst, including statistical analysis, data visualization, and programming with Python.

The course also includes hands-on projects that allow you to apply what you have learned to real-world data analysis problems.

With’s data analysis course, you can start your journey to becoming a data analyst in Nigeria.


Can You Be a Data Analyst with No Experience?

No, you can’t become a data analyst with no experience. While having a background in statistics, mathematics, or computer science can be helpful, but it is necessary to learn some basic knowledge requirement for data analysis.

By learning the necessary skills and gaining practical experience through projects and internships, you can start your career as a data analyst. start learning with us.

Some example of things data analyst does in Companies

Companies collect and process a wide range of data for various purposes, such as improving user experience, enhancing product features, and identifying market trends, see how data analyst comes in;

  1. Website traffic and user behavior data: A data analyst might collect data on how many people are visiting the company’s website, what pages they’re visiting, how long they’re staying, and what actions they’re taking (such as making a purchase or filling out a form). This data can be used to optimize the website’s design and content to improve user experience and increase conversions.
  2. Customer demographic and preference data: A data analyst might collect data on the age, gender, location, and interests of the company’s customers. This data can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns and tailor the company’s products and services to better meet the needs of its customers.
  3. Sales and revenue data: A data analyst might collect data on how much money the company is making, where the revenue is coming from, and how sales are trending over time. This data can be used to make strategic business decisions, such as which products to focus on, which markets to expand into, and which pricing strategies to use.
  4. Social media and online reputation data: A data analyst might collect data on how the company is being perceived on social media and other online platforms. This data can be used to track sentiment, identify areas of concern or praise, and respond to customer feedback in a timely and effective manner.
  5. Operational and efficiency data: A data analyst might collect data on how the company’s internal processes are working, such as how long it takes to fulfill customer orders, how much inventory is on hand, and how many customer service inquiries are being handled. This data can be used to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, and make process improvements to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

These are just a few examples of the types of data that a data analyst might collect and process for a company. Ultimately, the specific data that is collected will depend on the company’s goals and objectives.

How Do I Become a Data Analyst for Beginners?

To become a data analyst for beginners, you can follow these steps:

  1. Learn the Fundamentals: To become a data analyst, you need to have a strong foundation in statistics, mathematics, and computer programming. You can start by taking online courses or enrolling in a degree program in computer science or a related field. Start learning with sabiprogrammer, see course here >>
  2. Learn Software Tools: To be an effective data analyst, you need to be familiar with various software tools used for data analysis, such as Microsoft Excel, SQL, Python, R, and Tableau. You can learn these tools by taking online courses or attending training sessions.
  3. Gain Practical Experience: You can gain practical experience by participating in data analysis projects, internships, or hackathons. You can also work on personal projects and build a portfolio of your work to showcase to potential employers.
  4. Network: Networking is an important aspect of any career, including data analysis. You can attend industry conferences, meetups, and events to network with other data analysts and potential employers.
  5. Apply for Jobs: Once you have gained the necessary skills and experience, you can start applying for data analyst jobs. You can search for job openings on job boards, LinkedIn, or other career websites.

How Long Does it Take to Become a Data Analyst?

The time it takes to become a data analyst depends on your educational background, work experience, and the amount of time and effort you invest in learning the necessary skills.

Typically, it takes two to four years to earn a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.

However, you can also take online courses or attend our physical class in Akure, Ondo state to learn the necessary skills in a shorter amount of time.

See our Data Analysis course here

Can I Become a Data Analyst in 3 Months?

It is possible to become a data analyst in 3 months, but it requires a significant amount of time and effort. You can take an intensive physical class or online course to learn the necessary skills in a short amount of time.

However, it is important to note that 3 months may not be sufficient to gain the same level of knowledge and skills but it will get you start and to get a job as a data analysis in companies.

Signup for our 3 month data analysis class.

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